LOTS has been happening around here behind the scenes. Sorry for the blog hiatis, but I have been boycotting until I get ALL of the editing caught up on as well as the fact that we are doing ALL that we can around here to get ALL our ducks in a row to better serve you all. It is incredibly busy and incredibly overwhelming, but we are SO incredibly thankful and just in the midst of creating the most amazing office systems and staff that we can be and have for YOU, our amazing clients! We know that we have many emails that we need to get back to, as well as the insane amount of blogging, so please bear with us, everything should be back to even better than we ever were before SOON. Holy cow, how am I so cool that I now have the most amazing staff working with me?? I am so honored and blessed by Joe, Claire and Callie!
Also, since the CRAZY wedding season is knocking at the door, Joe and I are taking a REAL non-working vacation/5 year celebration the rest of this week, so if you have any emergencies please email Claire at claire@kellyhornberger.com. Otherwise, check out the fun post that she has coming up on Thursday and enjoy your beautiful weekends.
Thank you all for the AMAZING year so far. WOW! I am BLOWN away already and it is only April! Seriously!
The motto in my life right now:
Praising my maker for the confidence to walk forward in areas I never dreamed possible! God is so good!