fine art photography

Kelly Hornberger

-a glimpse of God's heaven for little boys-


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So confession.  Last week we did next to nothing around here.  It happened totally spuratically, due to the fact that I realized on the way to my family getaway that there was no internet.  This turned out to be a double edged sword.  It was so sweet to get away from it all and enjoy the wispers of the hill country.  However it was horrible timing on my part to take a week off totally unexpectedly.  So, this week requires a TON of catching up, meaning MANY late nights (even later than usual) and trying not to stress myself out too much with it all.  So, bear with u around here.  We have you 100% in mind and will be back on the ball in no time.  Feel free to contact Claire or me for any of your needs. or

We will also be bombarding you with blogs…to catch up…starting with where I, Kelly, spent my last week of “va-cay”.

Lots of river time, fishin’, swingin’, diggin’ eatin’ and sunnin’.  100% boy’s heaven all in a little river house just outside Bandera, Tx.  Yeehaw!!


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