fine art photography

Kelly Hornberger

friday fun -we need your help & introducing shannon-


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So, remember how I told you amidst the awesomely cute giveaway we posted this week about Shannon??  Did you even catch that one?
Well, whether you did, or you didn’t…I just have to take a moment and show off an awesome new face around here.
Meet Shannon:

awesome photography intern

If you are an avid follower you might recognize this amazing face.  Shannon happens to be one of our awesome past brides, and even a model in one of our styled shoots.  We ADORE Shannon and her husband Brian.  Up until just recently they have been living in Austin and we never got to see them…but then a post on our blog about a month ago asking for intern-type help brought her knocking on our door to “interview”.  Turns out they have moved back, and the smile, voice and awesome face that walked through the door that day could not have made me any happier.
Claire and I looked at eachother as soon as she left and KNEW she is SUPPOSED to be here with us.
So…today I introduce you, yet again, to Shannon.
She is the one behind your beautifully delivered packages, our awesome upcoming giveaways, creative ideas around the office, and even some upcoming styling that we will show you down the road.
We could not be any happier to have her around here and cannot wait to show her off more.
God has a gracious way of directing paths and putting people in your lives at just the right time…we are just along for the ride!!

photographer internphotography intern

Which leads me to the second part of this blog…the awesome giveaway we did this week was a beautiful Shannon creation, and one that so many of you submitted some AWESOME halloween images for.
So…we narrowed them down to our top 4…and now we need your help…we just CANNOT decide…
So, comment with your votes…the winner takes all…along with a little extra Chuy’s card for the time to submit a picture as well…we love our blog readers!!!!

#1 -Taylor-

halloween contest, taylor

#2 -Katie-

halloween contest, katie

#3 -Gina-

halloween contest, gina

#4 -Dan-

marching band

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