fine art photography

Kelly Hornberger

meet abby and quentin (claire)


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Well I am sure I we have a ton of engagement sessions, weddings and family sessions to throw on the blog but in the spirit of procrastination here is a random fun post about my dogs.

My family is a huge dog family!!! I was named after a dog and my grandmother has been in three books about dogs and she shows them. Then there is my sister who let’s her dog eat at the dinner table practically. Yeah we love dogs!

So I don’t have any kiddos of my own, but there are some days when I want to smuggle a Hornberger boy home with me and some days when I am happy to just have pups. I like to call my dogs my children in fur coats. Meet Abby and Quentin…


Quentin is the one on the left and is a pomeranian mix he’s a big pom at 16 lbs. Q is my very best sidekick he follows me everywhere. He has a real type A personality. Then there is lil’ miss Abby, she is a wheaton terrier. She doesn’t shed and is hypoallergenic she is great for anyone that is allergic to dogs. We think she’s pretty cute. You know when you see that cute little girl out and about and she is a little pudgy and has on two different socks and messy hair and she is just all around a super cute mess, we think that is what Abby would look like if she were human. I know everyone thinks it about their own dogs but I think Q & A are just the very best dogs around.



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