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Kelly Hornberger

Won’t you be my Valentine


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Happy Valentine’s Day, love The Hornberger Boys…and me.

To say life is coasting along over here would be a lie.

We are M.O.V.I.N.G.

Turns out it takes MAJOR sanity to buy a house not on the market, sell a house, clean two houses, build a fence, do major work to a home that has been vacant for five years, entertain the minions, still do FCA & KHP kind of well…and all the other stuff that I cannot even remember because I literally have so much going on in my head right now.  There is so much to explain in our lives with all the amazing stuff God is working through.  I am so excited to get caught up on my blogging so that I can FINALLY do some more personal posts again…but please excuse my lack of communication here and possibly through emails for the next week or two…We are moving our little family down to Friendswood (south of Houston) in one week…and we are over joyed for this next chapter in our lives.

Prayers for our sanity and Joe and I’s marriage would be so appreciated in this time of stress and chaos!!

Here we go…

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