fine art photography

Kelly Hornberger

Oh hey you weekend! Where did you go week?


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So much to do…so little time.  It started off great.  We are getting back into a routine around here.  Problem is it takes all the energy I have just to GET BACK into the routine and learn a new school, rules and procedures.  It been a great week.  All three boys are officially in school Monday/Wednesday/Friday and then Jake also goes the other two days as well, of course.  So figuring out carpooling (we aren’t on the bus route) and timing, packing lunches, making sure I get all the proper paperwork back in, so that JAKE doesn’t get into trouble, it is in itself a full time job.  That and the fact that Joe and I are trying to now get ourselves back on a good working routine, which sent us into major marital convulsion yesterday.


So…the blog has suffered….because you know what…I ended up going to bed at 8:30pm last night without even eating dinner.  It all just hit me like a ton of bricks.

So here I stand…after yesterday…thankful that it is Friday and honestly so thankful that God went before me in my schedule this fall and gave me a BIG ‘ol break in weddings to get our family settled.  After yesterday’s near divorce (no, I’m not really joking here) I am thankful that He graced us with never give up mentalities and a beautiful free weekend to get to hang out TOGETHER.

All of that to say, I am so excited to get back on our routine, set up some actual office hours and shooting days.  I look forward to getting yall some info on upcoming Christmas sessions, and a mission trip.  It’s goons be good stuff…

Hope you all have great long weekends with your family and friends!  Here’s to another week that can ONLY get better…that’s sure encouraging, right??

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