fine art photography

Kelly Hornberger

weddings . portraits
families . travel


It was a cold one, but a beautiful day non the less.  So thankful for the beautiful marriage of these two and excited that this 1st year is just the first of MANY glorious years to come!!  Q. What’s the best thing that has happened to you as a couple since you’ve been married? A. […]

-Happy 1st year Mr. & Mrs. Prochaska-

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kelly hornberger wedding

Is it even possible?  2013 is over and 2014 is begun and already in major full swing?  I can’t keep up. The Christmas break was GLORIOUS for us.  Much rest was caught up on.  We spent so much time as a family and actually did not get sick of eachother.  I was not DYING for […]

Happy New Year

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