OK well not really all that new. It’s still me. BUT, it is a new year and with that come new ideas, new systems and new thinking. Hopefully.
First off. I started slowly. I feel like in the past I have RUN into this season with excitement and I burn out throughout the course of the year…that or I give up because, let’s face it, I’m so tired. These boys (all 4 of them) wear me out. To invest into my couples and a little bit into my business after pouring the first fruit of what I have into my family is exhausting…but that’s a whole other topic.
Next I found an awesome planner…one that I am loving everything about so far. Most of the time I find ones that I like…but not love. This one I truly LOVE. It’s from Shanna Skidmore and it’s called My Blueprint Year.
You can only purchase it certain times of the year because she does an amazing job really walking you through how to plan well. Which after learning from her these past couple of weeks, I had NO CLUE what I was doing in “planning” and it’s no wonder I wanted to literally pull my hair out by the spring. Everything was WAY TOO fly by the seat of my pants…it’s amazing Joe has not left me yet :-).
One of the many things that I love about it was it walked me through how to really figure out your “goals” for the year. It started by having me write all my dreams down, personally, financially & professionally. Then with some exercises it made me really look at what are doable goals in each of those and be ok with saying “later” to some of the other dreams. Man yall…you have no idea how hard that was to shelf some of those dreams. Can we say I am a got to have it all kind of a person??? UM YES. Can we say TOTALLY unhealthy? UM YES!
Which brings me to THE WORD. How many of yall pick a word for your year? Up to this point I haven’t been much into it, and if I’m being honest I don’t know how I really feel about it, but the planner made me do it…hahahaha. So my word for this year?
This one hit me like a ton of bricks. It is something I struggle so bad with. Something I almost see as an enemy for all the things I WANT. So backwards. I know it.
So all that to say this is me. And these are my focused goals.
Y’all. Those lists are not very long. TRUST ME…it took a LONG time to get down to them. Not writing down ALL the things almost made my cry. I have not idea why I think that if they are not on the list they will never happen or that I will be a failure by my own standards. It’s so crazy how our minds play with our emotions.
So here we go. Today is the first day I sit back at my desk in 2019. The boys are back at school and the house is quiet. Lord the house is SO quiet.
I look up at that list and see some exciting dreams. Dreams that, once in place and checked off, allow us to do SO MUCH more with what we have been given.
Here we go 2019….