fine art photography

Kelly Hornberger

weddings . portraits
families . travel


They met through a mutual friend.  They began email for about a month.  They went out, hit it off and since that night their happily ever after began. They say when you know, you know.  And these two could not work more perfectly together. I am honored to be a part of their lives now […]

Katherine & Tony -she said yes-

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kelly hornberger engagement

Katherine & Tony -she said yes-

Ever meet people and just instantly know that you LOVE them? People you feel like you have known for forever?  People who welcome you with open arms into their family and you NEVER feel an ounce of unrest. Katy and Bobby are two people that I know I am now forever changed by having their […]

Katy & Bobby -she said yes-

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Katy & Bobby -she said yes-

kelly hornberger engagement

Life is all about having great friends!  Marcel & Lauren can testify to that. “Our friend, Cassandra, put the bug in each of our ears. Apparently he wanted a “nice girl” and I qualified” – Lauren Fast forward: “I was sitting on Shanlee’s couch waiting to leave for the birthday dinner. I thought Shanlee and […]

Marcel & Lauren -she said yes-

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kelly hornberger engagement

Marcel & Lauren -she said yes-

They went to rival high schools and colleges, grew up about 15 minutes apart from each other and never knew each other…until Valentines night with a group of friends 3 years ago. Their uniqueness statement: “Although we both fall short every day, I think we compliment each other well and both help the other grow […]

Allison & Warren -she said yes-

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Allison & Warren -she said yes-

kelly hornberger engagement

Joy you just can’t help but smile about.  What a perfect way to spend a lifetime.

Kayla & Jake -she said yes-

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kelly hornberger engagement

Kayla & Jake -she said yes-