fine art photography

Kelly Hornberger

weddings . portraits
families . travel


One does not fall “in” or “out” of love. One grows in love. ~ Leo Buscaglia Meet beautiful Carly and her sweet James.  They love to enjoy eachother.  Enjoy and rest in the comfort eachother brings.  I love the beautiful love they showed to me and in front of me so that I could take […]

James & Carly -she said yes-

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kelly hornberger engagement

James & Carly -she said yes-

These cuties met in class their Freshman year at aTm and could not stay away from eachother since.  A soccer player and a football player they have a little bit of a competitive streak in them…so why not now compete for their marriage? I seriously LOVED spending my time with these two.  They are absolutely […]

Kyle & Lyndsey -she said yes-

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Kyle & Lyndsey -she said yes-

kelly hornberger engagement

They did ministry together. He was a leader…she was a student. They began spending a ton of time together due to her help on leadership and an amazing friendship formed which eventually turned into love. So their story started with “a friendship. A goofy and comfortable friendship that has always been the foundation of our […]

Justin & Victoria -she said yes-

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kelly hornberger engagement

Justin & Victoria -she said yes-

“Gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love.” ~ Albert Einstein These two college sweethearts are the definition of gravitational pull.  The sweetness mixed with chemistry between them was undeniable.  It was such an honor getting to spend my afternoon hanging out and letting these two let their love light show.

Kendall & Tyler -she said yes-

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Kendall & Tyler -she said yes-

kelly hornberger engagement

“I love her laugh, every time i hear it no matter how bad a day I’m having, it makes everything better. I love her commitment. Her commitment to everything she has done, and is doing. Her commitment to school, work, her family. I love how she will never give up on me, and that she […]

Leslie & Ryan -she said yes-

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kelly hornberger engagement

Leslie & Ryan -she said yes-