fine art photography

Kelly Hornberger

weddings . portraits
families . travel


They met out one night.  He got her number.  He never called.  The timing wasn’t right. Fast forward many years later…they met out again.  Totally random.  The timing was perfect.  He got her number.  He called.  The rest is now history. Genny showed up with her perfect outfits, her perfect hair, her perfect smile and […]

Genny & Rob -she said yes-

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kelly hornberger engagement

Genny & Rob -she said yes-

“My favorite thing about Lauren has been her smile. It was the very first thing I noticed about her, and I still feel so good when I see it. I don’t exactly know what it is, but something about it just works for me. She sparkles when she smiles. It’s incredible.” – Chris Seriously?!?  I know […]

Lauren & Chris -she said yes-

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Lauren & Chris -she said yes-

kelly hornberger engagement

A couple of lovebirds who were destined to meet and begin their engagement kissing under the willow tree that couldn’t help but reflect and illuminate their love. We had a BLAST getting to run around.  Heather has the sweetest most intoxicating smile.  Carter has the most amazing spirit and loves Heather EXACTLY how a man […]

Heather & Carter -she said yes-

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kelly hornberger engagement

Heather & Carter -she said yes-

Some green ribbon he found holding onto the gorgeous diamond ring he bought around the neck of the adorable pup she loves. So it goes for the Thad and Lindsay and the start to their awesome engagement. And pink…can anyone better rock pink? I think not. Get a load of these two…you will not be […]

Lindsay & Thad -she said yes-

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Lindsay & Thad -she said yes-

kelly hornberger engagement

You know a girl is a keeper when the entire engagement is spent while the groom is away doing Naval bootcamp and training.  These cuties, who met in college amongst mutual friends, are tying the knot after Colton follows his dreams and becomes a pilot in the Navy.  We thought it would be most appropriate […]

Christine & Colton -she said yes-

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kelly hornberger engagement

Christine & Colton -she said yes-