fine art photography

Kelly Hornberger

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How cool is it to raise up children?  Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think it would be this magical (and crazy).  I tell everyone we talk to about it…it is the most oxy-moronic relationship you will EVER have.  You love them so much and they drive you crazy ALL AT THE SAME TIME!  There are so many hard things about it all.  Things that many who don’t have kiddos yet see as things they don’t want to give up.

Things like lack of time for anything you want to do…or just lack of time in general.

The freedom to go and do anytime you want.

Long runs in the evening, just because.

Weekend brunch after sleeping in until whenever you want.

Money to spend on yourself and not some “kid”.

Being able to listen to your music in the car.

All those things…glorious, yes…but here is what you are missing out on:

Seeing your baby for the first time and the amazingly creative way God uses you and your spouse to create them

The amazingly contagious giggles anytime you touch them on their feet or rib cages.

The cry’s for boo-boos and tears that ONLY you can heal with just a kiss.

The “i love you’s” that come at totally random times of the day.

The habits of getting up and getting to start a day of blessings.

The unexplainable pride in seeing your baby walk and hearing him or her talk for the first time.

The unexplainable pride in seeing your baby run and ride a bike.

The unexplainable pride in seeing your baby turn into a boy.

The unexplainable pride in seeing your boy start to show of little traits of a man…a man that you could not have drawn a better picture of or imagined any better than he is.

The unexplainable explanation in how the midst of all your screw ups in raising him, God is still answering your prayers and molding him into a mighty warrior…a warrior that would fight for any of his family, friends or the God that he daily is coming to know.  This is the most magical part of it all.  Getting to witness and help cultivate the Creators creation.  Helping him learn to dream up HUGE dreams and showing them that he can achieve them.

This is what I see daily in our Brock.  The most kind hearted, imaginative, caring, respectful and warrior-like little boy that I am so honored to call our son.

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