fine art photography

Kelly Hornberger

Out of the office!!


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vacation funny

You know what really rocks??  What really rocks is when you get to go on a vacation as a parent without kids in town AND without any work.  WHAT!

So Joe and I are blessed to get to travel for our jobs.  But that is it…our jobs.  Every trip we have ever taken since our first year of marriage has been because of work…and although we have gotten to play a day or two extra, we have had to work.  Period.

So this next week I am taking a vacation.  A REAL vacation.  HOLLA!!  Now until next Thursday, the 9th.

I will have limited access to email and phone calls and will touch base periodically.  I am sure you will get to see my instagram updates, but you know, I just cannot resist.

SOOOOO…all that to say…I am not ignoring you….I am just enjoying some time away and I WILL be back in touch soon!!

Peace out!

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