fine art photography

Kelly Hornberger

Thankfulness Nov 4, 5 & 6th


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Three things of thankfulness from this weekend:

  1.  The incredible provision of work.  The beautiful families that I am so privileged to take yearly photos of.  The ones who keep asking me to make it happen and the fun that I got to have chasing after friend’s beautiful children to take their photos of giggles and laughs with LOADS of kisses from their moms and dads.

2.  Goodness gracious, the little miracle of an accidental collision for Holt with the iron fence around the football stadium at our local highschool and the fact that it was only a small gash into his forehead and not an eyeball or a gash any worse than some glue could help repair.  It’s almost become a joke with these Hornberger boys and our trips to the ER.  Please Lord…can we get a little break in there soon?  Praise the Lord he was ok, it’s been cleaned out and glued up.  But let me tell yall…never a dull moment around here.

3.  A Sunday of NO work…NO house work…and a family day of breakfast at Empire Cafe, our being brave family biblestudy at McGovern Centennial Gardens & a trip to the Houston Museum of Natural Science as a family.  It was so sweet and so needed.  And you know what was even more awesome?  I took my phone out to take a couple pics of my amazing boys, and then it was in my purse the entire rest of the day.  It was bliss.  I am IN LOVE with this no social media for me.  It has brought SO MUCH freedom to my heart and my life.

Processed with VSCO with a6 preset

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