fine art photography

Kelly Hornberger

Thankfulness Nov 7th


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Today I am thankful for a feeling of peace.  A feeling of remembering that all I will be accounted for someday is if I loved my husband and loved my boys.  To have a peace that rests in not having to perform or show off.  To have a peace in knowing that the Lord WILL provide.  To have a peace in not making a ton of money and having all the things that we want to have.  To have a peace in the insanely messy house that we are living and working in at the moment and knowing it will get done.  To have a peace taking a nap in the middle of the day.  To have a peace in not having to change the world.  To have a peace in the simple tasks of cleaning toilets and making dinner (with a glass of wine, of course)  To have a peace in not answering all my emails.  To have a peace in schedules.  To have peace in my body and how I feel when I get dressed in the morning.  To have peace in not being on social media…I cannot even begin to tell you how much peace that has already brought to me.

To have a peace in all things…because peace comes not from me making peace for myself, that NEVER worked, it ONLY stressed me out more…

But truly finding peace in Him providing it for me.  It’s like I can breathe again.

What do you need to find peace in today?

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