Take a moment to just imagine with me:
A beautiful girl…waiting on her military man.
A man serving in the marines whom she has been patiently waiting to return so they can finally be together.
She day dreams daily of his return.
She dreams of date nights, getting dressed up and enjoying eachother’s company, laughing, enjoying sweet kisses in the sunlight, just being…all things many of us take for granted.
But then…imagine that her daydreams are awoken by her military man walking down the road…returning home.
He lifts her up into the air giving her the BIGGEST kiss he could have ever imagined.
They sit the rest of the night on the porch…and hold eachother.
Thank you to all those who serve so selflessly. We honor you.
Thank you Richard for being loyal to your country.
Thank you Anaise for giving up time with your man to serve all of us.
What a beautiful couple…one who we cannot wait to document their sweet day next year!!