fine art photography

Kelly Hornberger

Chic Austin Engagement Photos

kelly hornberger engagement

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We started out at the iconic Jeffrey’s restaurant for Claire & Will’s Austin engagement photos.  The setting was absolute perfection from the start!

This sweet couple met in New York City and had a long-distance relationship for a while, and every time Will went to visit Claire in Austin, they made a point to go to Jeffrey’s.

Austin Engagement Photos at Jeffrey’s

Jeffrey’s actually offers several fabulous photo locations, and with a couple this gorgeous it was easy to get great shots in all of them!

We started out in the moody bar area.  The gorgeous wood details, elegant lighting, and blue velvet couches were perfect for chic photos that match Will & Claire’s style so well.

The restaurant area added some really fun color with the teal wall and unique artwork.  Fun fact, Will proposed to his bride-to-be in a romantic booth in this section of the restaurant!

Before wrapping up here we strolled down a sweet private hallway that led to a cozy bench seat, where they were able to enjoy some quiet time together with just the two of them.  Their love for each other was so evident – you would’ve thought they were the only two people in the world.

Outdoor Engagement Photos in Austin

Since their upcoming wedding was going to be a Destination Wedding in the Bahamas, we all knew we wanted to get some great outdoor photos as well!  Luckily we found a local park not far from Jeffrey’s, and it even had palm trees for a bit of a tropical vibe.

When they started dancing, Claire barefoot in her backless white linen dress, I could close my eyes and almost smell the salty Bahamian air…I knew it was going to be an incredible wedding!

These two were such a joy to work with and photograph, and I’m truly thankful they allowed me to document their story!

Engagement Photos in Special Places

One of my favorite things to do as a wedding photographer, and my team’s as well, is take photos in places that have meaning to our sweet couples.  Homes, restaurants, specific cities…all of it is part of your story, and that is worth remembering!

So head over to the contact page to let me know if there’s a special place we can travel to to help tell your story.  It would be our honor.

If you’re looking for more Austin engagement photo ideas, read all about this session at the Commodore Perry Estate!

Bride & groom at Jeffrey's bar during Austin engagement photos.






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